Prof. Supa Hannongbua

Prof Supa Hannongbua received her PhD in Chemistry in 1991 from Innsbruck University in Austria. Her research interests focus on drug discovery research, including Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR), quantum chemical calculations, virtual screening, de novo design, combinatorial library design, cheminformatics and database of Thai Natural Products, protein-ligand interaction simulations, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, drug-likeness analysis and Abosption Distribution Metabolism Extretion Toxicity (ADMET) prediction.

Her research has been supported by Thailand Research Fund and the National Research Counsil of Thailand. In her academic writing, one-hundred-seventy publications and five book chapters are counted. Prof. Supa Hannongbua was the recipient of 1997 Young Scientist Award, 2002 The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Young Scientist Award in Thailand, 2006 L’Oreal for Women in Science. As a member of the Chemical Society of Thailand, she serves as the President since 2017.

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