Dr Robert (Bob) Robey

Robert (Bob) Robey has held diverse roles across the technology and research landscape. His recent position as the Global Training Lead for the Data Center GPU group at AMD from 2022 to 2023 showcased his leadership and expertise in the rapidly evolving realm of data center graphics processing. Prior to this, Robert's extensive tenure at Los Alamos National Laboratory as a Staff Scientist from 1998 to 2022, and as a Research Scientist at the University of New Mexico from 1986 to 1998, laid the foundation for his comprehensive understanding of high-performance computing.

In addition to his professional roles, Robert actively contributes to education and community building. Founder and Co-lead of LANL Parallel Computing Summer Research Internships, he plays a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of computational scientists. His involvement in creating and co-leading the scientific application development seminar series, Simulating Physics using Efficient and Effective code Development (SPEED), since 2022, shows his commitment to knowledge dissemination. Robert wrote the book "Parallel and High-Performance Computing," contributing significantly to the field.

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